We now offer trips on Tuesday evenings in 3 separate blocks of up to 7 people per block. This includes adults and young people, and does not include the trip guide. The cost is £50 per block per trip. You can request 1, 2 or all 3 blocks for your trip depending on your numbers.
We provide a standard parental information and consent form which you can use if you like. Any such information is the responsibility of the section leader in charge on the night. It is up to the visiting group to hold consent forms and attendees personal information and health records. We do not need to see this information. However please inform us in advance of any special requirements using the “Additional details” field on the booking form. Risk assessments are available to view on the “About Us” tab.
Fill out the form below to request a booking, being sure to select the correct trip, date and number of attendees. We currently allow bookings up to six months in advance, dates further than 28 weeks in the future will not appear as an option on the form below.
We will then send you an invoice with payment details. Payment is required no less than 7 days prior to the day of your visit. Payment has to made by bank transfer only - no cash or cheques on the night. If payment is not received 7 days prior to your visit the trip will be cancelled.